Employers want to hire nimble thinkers—people who are not only content experts but who also are agile in adapting to new technology and new directions in their fields. With rapid technological changes and globalization, the ability to think creatively and strategically is crucial. What employers want are creatives who can generate big ideas—platforms that build community, branded utilities, unique content as branded entertainment that is so good it competes with all entertainment, disruptive business models that benefit everyone, marketing as service, and products that make lives better.
The motto of this new mindset is: Entertain. Inform. Be useful. Do good.
Here’s what you’ll gain from Nimble:
- Imagination preparation so that original works and ideas can emerge
- Tools to enhance your critical and creative thinking
- The means to start creating content people will find
engaging or beneficial
- The ability to anticipate or foresee a problem and solution rather than simply solving assigned problems
- Enhanced creativity through doing
- Insights from the interviews with esteemed experts